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As automated cyber-attacks becoming more pervasive, Fortinet offers 5 key tools for security leaders to unify control across all attack vectors to stop automated attacks:

Patch Management

Patch management is absolutely essential. Mirai and Hajime, a stealthier and more advanced self-propagating worm, exemplify the damage that can be done when IT teams fail to patch known vulnerabilities.

Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)

Intrusion prevention system (IPS) is the first line of defense for organizations. As manufacturers of Internet of Things (IoT) devices are not held accountable for security, billions of devices are vulnerable to attack, with no patches in sight. Until this is addressed, IPS is necessary to perform virtual patching and block hacks and attacks into IoT devices.

Redundancy Segmentation

Redundancy segmentation is necessary because ransom attacks are going after valuable data. There have been cases of ransomware that go in, infect data, as well as backups of data, which is disastrous. It is critical that backups are segmented off networks.

Focus On Visibility

People are always trying to build a fortress against an invisible enemy. Instead of building a wall, one should use threat intelligence solutions to understand attacker profiles and what tactics and procedures they employ, and then start intelligently defending based on that information. Prioritize security around critical assets of an organisation. Otherwise if an asset is ransomed or attacked by a distributed denial of service, it will cost your business substantially.


Finally, once you understand your enemy and have built appropriate solutions, tighten up the time to defense. Use proactive solutions and look at ways to create interoperability. Most organizations have many different solutions from different providers. Strive to reduce that complexity by further integrating and consolidating existing security devices with a security framework that utilizes advanced threat intelligence sharing and an open architecture.

