The internet is abuzz with rumors of fake notes of Rs 500 circulating in the market. This can be a cause for concern for both individuals and businesses. While the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) takes stringent measures to combat counterfeiting, it’s crucial to be vigilant and know how to identify genuine Indian currency notes. This article will guide you through the key features to look for to avoid falling victim to Fake Notes.
Key Features of Genuine Indian Currency Notes
- Watermark: Hold the note against the light. A watermark of Mahatma Gandhi should be clearly visible.
- Security Thread: Observe the security thread embedded in the note. It appears as a dark line when viewed in normal light and glows green when held under UV light.
- Latent Image: Tilt the note. The denomination numeral will appear and disappear.
- Intaglio Printing: Feel the raised printing of the portrait of Mahatma Gandhi and the Ashoka Pillar emblem.
- Micro Lettering: Examine the micro-lettering printed along the edges of the note.
- See-Through Register: Hold the note against the light. The portrait of Mahatma Gandhi in the watermark area should match the one printed on the front of the note.
- Electrotype Watermark: View the note against the light. The watermark of Mahatma Gandhi will be visible.
- Fluorescence: Under UV light, different parts of the note will fluoresce in different colors.
Tips to Avoid Falling Victim to Fake Notes
- Be Vigilant: Always be cautious while receiving cash, especially large denominations.
- Check Carefully: Examine the note thoroughly for the security features mentioned above.
- Use UV Light: Carry a small UV torch with you to check the security thread and fluorescence.
- Report Suspicious Notes: If you suspect a note to be counterfeit, report it to the nearest police station or the RBI.
By being aware of these key features and exercising caution, you can significantly reduce the risk of accepting Fake Notes. Remember, staying informed and vigilant is crucial in the fight against counterfeiting.