DatabreachIn a concerning development, India has witnessed what could possibly be the largest Databreach in its history. Personal information of over 81.5 crore Indians has been compromised, reportedly originating from the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). As an information security analyst, let’s break down the key details to raise awareness and understanding about this significant Databreach.

The Source of the Databreach

The breach was initially detected by Resecurity, an American cybersecurity and intelligence agency. A ‘threat actor’ using the alias ‘pwn001‘ shared details on Breach Forums, a self-proclaimed ‘premier Databreach discussion and leaks forum.’ This allowed unauthorized access to records of a staggering 815 million Indians – about ten times the total population of countries like Iran, Turkey, and Germany.

Scale of the Databreach

To put the magnitude of the Databreach into perspective, the leaked data is equivalent to around 10 times the combined population of Iran, Turkey, and Germany. India, being the world’s most populous country with 1.43 billion people, underscores the severity of the incident.

What Information Has Been Compromised?

The hacker, ‘pwn001,’ claims to have extracted Aadhaar and passport information, along with names, phone numbers, and addresses. These details are alleged to be sourced from the Covid-19 test records of individuals registered with ICMR. As evidence, ‘pwn001’ posted spreadsheets containing fragments of Aadhaar data, which upon analysis, were verified as valid Aadhaar card IDs.

Immediate Actions Taken

As of now, there is no official response from ICMR or the government. However, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is expected to initiate an investigation once a formal complaint is filed by ICMR. To mitigate the impact, top officials from various agencies and ministries are actively involved. A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) has been implemented to control and minimize the damage caused by the Databreach.

Stay Informed and Vigilant

As individuals, it is crucial to stay informed and vigilant about the security of our personal information. In the wake of this significant Databreach, consider reviewing your online accounts, updating passwords, and monitoring your financial statements closely. The importance of cybersecurity cannot be overstated, and by staying proactive, we can collectively contribute to a safer digital environment.

Read more cyber security awareness related news here:

  1. Cybercrime: The invisible enemy that can cripple your business

  2. Top Cyber Attacks Businesses Face in 2023

  3. Cybercrime Victim? Fight Back with This Step-by-Step Guide

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