HackedHere’s a heads-up on how to sniff out if your mobile buddy has been hacked. Hey there, smartphone users! So, you’re cruising through the digital world, and suddenly you get that feeling that your phone might be playing host to some uninvited guests – the hackers.

Signs That You’ve Been Hacked

1. Mystery Apps Showing Up:

Spotted an app on your phone that you didn’t download? That’s like finding a stranger in your living room. Hackers dig into these shady apps to get cozy with your info or take the wheel of your phone.

2. Data Usage Going Bonkers:

Keep an eye on your data usage. If it decides to skyrocket without any fancy new online adventures on your part, a sneaky app might be having a secret data party in the background.

3. Weird Pop-ups and Internet Detours:

Getting bombarded with sketchy pop-ups or redirected to dubious websites? That’s the digital world equivalent of someone trying to sell you a questionable time-share. Watch out – it might be malware trying to pull a fast one.

4. Mysterious Calls or Texts:

Did your phone make calls or send texts without your permission? Yup, your phone might be doing some secret agent stuff for hackers. Time to investigate.

5. Phone Acting Moody and Battery Playing Hide and Seek:

Is your phone suddenly moody, acting all slow, and crashing apps? That’s malware’s way of throwing a tantrum. And if your battery is playing hide and seek, it might be because some app is hogging all the juice.

6. Security Features Taking a Siesta:

Can’t find your passcode or fingerprint lock? Well, if they’ve taken a sudden vacation without your approval, your phone might be under hacker occupation. Those sneaky intruders disable security features for easy access.

7. Suspicious Account Shenanigans:

If your online accounts are pulling off unexpected moves – like a dance party you didn’t RSVP for – it could mean your credentials got swiped through your hacked phone.

What to Do When Suspicion Strikes

Caught wind of a potential hack? Time to go into superhero mode:

  1. Change those Passwords: Get a new set of keys for all your online hangouts – email, social media, banking, the whole shebang.
  2. Dump the Sketchy Apps: Kick out any apps that seem fishy or that you don’t remember inviting to the party.
  3. Factory Reset FTW: If you’re not sure which apps are misbehaving, hit the reset button and give your phone a clean slate.
  4. Antivirus to the Rescue: Bring in the digital exterminators – install a legit antivirus app to scan and kick out any malware.
  5. Call in the Calvary (Your Carrier): If your phone bill is acting funny, dial up your carrier and report the shenanigans.

Stay savvy, smartphone users!


Read more cyber security awareness-related news here:

  1. Protect Yourself from Holiday Phone Scams: A Guide

  2. Cybercrime: The invisible enemy that can cripple your business
  3. Top Cyber Attacks Businesses Face in 2023

  4. Cybercrime Victim? Fight Back with This Step-by-Step Guide

  5. India’s ‘biggest’ Databreach exposes Aadhaar details for 81.5 million people

To Learn Cyber Security, visit: https://www.cctinternshala.in