56% More Data Breaches, 0% Chill: Why India Needs a Future-Proof Digital Defense

Data Breaches

Data breaches are on the rise in India, with a concerning 56% surge compared to last year, according to Surfshark. This translates to ten leaks every minute, exposing sensitive information and raising serious concerns about the country’s digital infrastructure. This blog post delves into this alarming trend and explores why India needs a robust, future-proof […]

Get Rich Quick or Get Scammed? The Alarming Rise of Social Media Investment Frauds

Social Media

Think becoming a millionaire with just a few clicks is easy? Think again! The glittering world of Social Media is rife with cunning wolves disguised as sheep, waiting to fleece unsuspecting investors with the latest get-rich-quick schemes. But before you fall for the #CryptoKing’s promises of Lamborghinis and early retirement, take a deep breath and […]

Safeguard Your New Year: Fake Faces, Real Lessons: What Deepfakes Can Teach Us!


Welcome to the world of deepfakes, where the lines between reality and imagination blur, and you can magically “swap faces” with your favourite movie star in a video. It’s like living in a digital fantasy, but as we explore the enchanting possibilities, it’s crucial to understand the potential mischievous side of this technology. The Deepfakes […]