Heads Up, ScreenConnect Users: Patch Now to Avoid Nasty Security Issues!


Using ConnectWise ScreenConnect for remote access? Listen up! Recent reports revealed critical security vulnerabilities in versions 23.9.7 and earlier that could leave your systems wide open to attackers. These flaws are serious and could allow unauthorized access, data theft, or even malicious code execution on your devices. Patching your software immediately is crucial! What’s the […]

Why Continuous User Authentication is necessary on Mobile Gadgets

User Authentication

  Hey there, tech enthusiasts! Today, let’s chat about why continuous User Authentication is the unsung hero we all need. So, what’s the buzz about continuous user authentication? Well, my friends, it’s all about keeping your digital life on lockdown and making sure only you hold the keys to your smartphone kingdom. What’s Continuous User […]

Why is Robust API Security Important in Ecommerce?

API attacks are on the rise. One of their main targets is e-commerce businesses like yours. APIs are an integral part of how e-commerce businesses accelerate their growth in the digital world. E-commerce platforms use APIs at every customer touchpoint, from browsing products to processing deliveries. As the following diagram shows, API usage is on […]