56% More Data Breaches, 0% Chill: Why India Needs a Future-Proof Digital Defense

Data Breaches

Data breaches are on the rise in India, with a concerning 56% surge compared to last year, according to Surfshark. This translates to ten leaks every minute, exposing sensitive information and raising serious concerns about the country’s digital infrastructure. This blog post delves into this alarming trend and explores why India needs a robust, future-proof […]

Cryptocurrency Under Siege: When Exchanges Become Hunting Grounds


Hold onto your digital wallets, folks, because the Wild West of crypto just got wilder. Cryptocurrency exchanges, the supposed Fort Knoxes of your digital fortune, are increasingly under siege by cybercriminals with sticky fingers and even stickier code. Remember the KuCoin heist of July 2023? A cool $150 million in crypto vanished like a magic […]

Cracking the Cyber Code: Insider Threats Decoded!

Insider Threat

Today, we’re turning the digital battlefield into a dazzling cyber carnival of knowledge. Step right up to the thrill ride where we explore the groovy art of protecting our cyber kingdom from those sneaky insider threats. According to the 2023 Insider Threat Report by Cybersecurity Insiders, a whopping 74% of organizations are like unwitting dancers […]