28 Nations Unite to Combat AI Risks: Pact Signed Against ‘Catastrophic’ Dangers


Today, leaders from 28 different countries, including India, the UK, US, and China, gathered to discuss the potential AI risks. They all agreed that it’s important to work together to prevent AI from causing serious harm. This historic meeting, known as the world’s first summit on AI safety, started in Bletchley Park, a place famous […]

Emerging Threats in the Digital Age: Spice Up Your Cybersecurity

In a world where technology rules, emerging threats in the digital realm are like hidden landmines, waiting for the right moment to explode. Cybercriminals are continuously evolving, and their tactics are getting more sophisticated. To stay ahead of the game, it’s essential to understand the hottest emerging threats in the cybersecurity landscape. So, grab your […]

€5.5 million fine imposed on WhatsApp for data protection violations

On Thursday, Ireland’s Data Protection Commission (DPC) fined Meta’s WhatsApp a new €5.5 million for violating data protection laws when processing users’ personal data.  As a result of the ruling, the platform’s Terms of Service have been updated, requiring users to agree to the new terms in preparation for the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) […]

Permissions matter for SaaS Security – Why?

Earlier this year, attackers compromised Mailchimp, a popular SaaS email marketing platform. We examined over 300 Mailchimp customer accounts and exported audience data from 102 of them. The compromise was preceded by a successful phishing attempt that launched a malicious attack against an end-user of a Mailchimp customer.  Three months later, Mailchimp suffered another attack. […]


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