Don’t Be a Mule! How Betting Sites are Infiltrating Elections


Have you ever been denied a ticket to a major event, only to see the same seats magically reappear moments later at an inflated price? This frustrating tactic is also being used in a surprising arena: elections. Dont be a Mule! That’s right, offshore betting sites are finding sneaky ways to influence polls, and “mules” […]

Ticking Time Bomb: 5 SaaS Vulnerabilities That Could Cripple Your Business!

SaaS Vulnerabilities

In today’s digital age, convenience reigns supreme. SaaS (Software as a Service) Applications provide a wealth of benefits for businesses, streamlining operations and offering on-demand access to powerful tools. But this ease of use comes at a cost – potential security vulnerabilities in your online SaaS applications. It could steal sensitive user data, disrupt your […]

Unleash Your Inner Sherlock: Top Tips for Ethical Hacking in the Age of AI

Ethical Hacking

Master Ethical Hacking & embrace AI! Learn top tips, discover its power, & launch your career with expert training. Start your journey today! The digital landscape is evolving at breakneck speed, and with it, the ever-present threat of cybercrime. Ethical hackers, the valiant defenders of our data, stand on the frontlines, wielding their skills to […]

Cryptocurrency Under Siege: When Exchanges Become Hunting Grounds


Hold onto your digital wallets, folks, because the Wild West of crypto just got wilder. Cryptocurrency exchanges, the supposed Fort Knoxes of your digital fortune, are increasingly under siege by cybercriminals with sticky fingers and even stickier code. Remember the KuCoin heist of July 2023? A cool $150 million in crypto vanished like a magic […]

Cybersecurity Predictions 2024: From AI Attacks to Geopolitical Threats


The digital world is a battlefield, and 2024 promises to be another year of constant skirmishes and evolving tactics. With cybercrime costs reaching eye-watering heights and innovative technologies emerging, what can we expect on the Cybersecurity front? Buckle up, because we’re diving into some major predictions: 1. AI Takes Center Stage (on Both Sides): Expect […]

Android devices are being exploited by hackers with RATs

The threat actor behind the BlackRock and ERMAC Android banking trojans has unleashed yet another malware for rent called Hook that introduces new capabilities to access files stored on the devices and create a remote interactive session.  ThreatFabric, in a report, characterized Hook as a novel ERMAC fork that’s advertised for sale for $7,000 per […]

Synology releases patch for critical RCE vulnerability affecting VPN Plus servers

Synology has released a security update to address a critical vulnerability in VPN Plus Server that could be used to take over an affected system. The vulnerability registered as CVE-2022-43931 has a maximum severity of 10 in the CVSS rating and was described as a write out of bounds error in the Remote Desktop feature […]

WhatsApp introduces proxy support to help users bypass internet censorship

Popular instant messaging service WhatsApp has introduced support for proxy servers in the latest versions of its Android and iOS apps. This allows users to avoid government-imposed censorship and internet shutdowns. “By choosing a proxy, he can connect to his WhatsApp through servers set up by volunteers and organizations around the world, allowing people to […]

Facebook pays $725 million to settle lawsuit over Cambridge Analytica data breach

Meta Platforms, the parent company of Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, has agreed to pay $725 million to settle a lengthy class-action lawsuit filed in 2018. application used by Cambridge Analytica to access users’ personal information without consent for political advertising purposes. The proposed settlement, first reported by Reuters last week, is the latest penalty the […]