Bangaluru Techie Busted New Sms Scam

Sms scam

Cybercriminals are constantly cooking up new ways to steal your hard-earned money. This time, their target is your inbox! A Bengaluru tech entrepreneur recently shared her close call with a clever SMS scam, and her story serves as a valuable warning to us all. How the Scam Works: The scam hinges on creating confusion through […]

Learn More How Online Radicalization Threatens Global Security

Online Radicalization

The internet, a vast and ever-expanding digital landscape, connects us to information and people across the globe. But within this interconnected world lurks a growing threat: online radicalization. India recently raised its voice on this critical issue at the 19th Interpol Conference of Heads of National Central Bureaux. The nation’s Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) […]

Ticking Time Bomb: 5 SaaS Vulnerabilities That Could Cripple Your Business!

SaaS Vulnerabilities

In today’s digital age, convenience reigns supreme. SaaS (Software as a Service) Applications provide a wealth of benefits for businesses, streamlining operations and offering on-demand access to powerful tools. But this ease of use comes at a cost – potential security vulnerabilities in your online SaaS applications. It could steal sensitive user data, disrupt your […]

Beware the Money Mule Scam: Don’t Be Fooled into Laundering Money

Money Mule Scam

Cybersecurity threats are constantly evolving, and a new one has emerged to target unsuspecting victims: the Money Mule Scam. In this scheme, fraudsters manipulate people into transferring stolen or illegal money through their bank accounts. This can have serious consequences for those involved, even if they are unaware of the criminal activity. How Does the […]

Fight Cybercrime with Eagle Eyes: How Computer Vision Strengthens Indian Security

Computer Vision

Imagine security cameras that can spot suspicious activity before it happens, or systems that verify your identity with just a glance. This isn’t science fiction – it’s the power of computer vision revolutionizing cybersecurity in India. What is Computer Vision and How Does it Help? Think of computer vision as giving machines super sight. They […]

The Dark Side of Likes: Exposing India’s Social Media Scams

Social Media

Scrolling through your social media feed, everything seems harmless, right? Likes, comments, and connections – it’s a world of fun and information. But beneath the surface lurks a danger: social media scams. In India, where social media use is skyrocketing, these scams are a growing threat, costing unsuspecting users millions. Identity Theft on Social Media […]

Fraud Busted: Pune Woman Loses Rs 3 Crore in Online Share Trading


An Instagram ad promising high returns for a small investment lured a Pune woman into a devastating online share trading fraud that cost her Rs 3 crore. This story exposes the dangers of these scams and equips you to protect yourself. The Fraud Unfolds: A captivating Instagram ad with promises of high returns in online […]

Don’t Get Phished! Spotting Safe Websites Like a Boss


Spotted a website with deals so sweet they make your wallet sing? Hold on to your credit card, because not all that glitters is gold (or, you know, a safe online store). Staying safe online is kind of a big deal these days, so let’s break down how to tell the good guys from the […]

Deepfakes: Don’t Get Fooled! Your Guide to Staying Safe on Social Media


Deepfakes. They’re everywhere these days, from hilarious celebrity parodies to…well, let’s just say, not-so-funny scams. But how can you tell the difference between a harmless joke and something trying to steal your money or damage your reputation? Don’t worry, this guide will equip you with the ultimate deepfake defense kit! What are Deepfakes, Anyway? Imagine […]