New Fraud Alert Using Pretexting! Mumbai man loses Rs.38,000 in hopes of Rs.50 discount


Hey there, fellow digital explorers! Today, let’s dive into the mysterious world of “Pretexting”. It might sound like the latest trend in undercover cosplay, but trust me, it’s a term every cybersecurity savvy person should know. So, grab your virtual detective hat and let’s embark on this adventure together! The Prelude to Pretexting But wait, […]

BrasDex is a new Android malware from Casbaneiro Actors

A new Android malware called BrasDex was exposed to users in Brazil as part of a multi-platform campaign. The malware targets a series of Brazilian applications and high-performance Automated Transfer System (ATS) engines in an ongoing multi-platform campaign. Diving into Details BrasDex, a trojan for Android, was developed by the attackers who created the Casbaneiro […]