In a recent incident that sent shockwaves through the digital landscape of India, former Union Minister and DMK MP Dayanidhi Maran fell victim to cybercriminals who stole ₹99,999 from his personal savings bank account. Mr. Maran’s experience highlights the growing menace of cybercrimes in the country, with financial frauds accounting for a staggering 75% of cybercrimes between January 2020 and June 2023. This alarming trend demands immediate attention and concrete measures to safeguard the financial interests and personal data of all citizens. In this blog post, we recommend several key measures to enhance digital security and protect against cybercrime.

1. Strengthen Online Banking Security

The security of online banking systems should be a top priority for both financial institutions and customers. Banks should continuously upgrade their security protocols to counter the ever-evolving tactics of cybercriminals. Customers must be vigilant and ensure they follow recommended security practices, such as regularly updating passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and verifying the authenticity of transactions.

2. Government Action

Mr. Maran’s call for government intervention is well-founded. To thrive in the digital age and establish itself as a FinTech hub, India needs robust cybersecurity measures. The government should actively collaborate with financial institutions, cybersecurity experts, and law enforcement agencies to create a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy. Releasing a White Paper on the government’s efforts to protect private data would be a positive step towards transparency and accountability.

3. Public Awareness

Cybersecurity education and awareness campaigns should be conducted on a large scale to empower citizens with the knowledge and tools needed to protect themselves from online threats. The public should be encouraged to report any suspicious activities, and helplines such as the Cyber Crime Helpline number 1930 or register their complaint in the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal  in case of any cyber-related complaints as advised by Sandeep Rai Rathore, the Commissioner of Police/Director General of Police, Greater Chennai Police.

4. Regular Security Audits

Financial institutions should conduct routine security audits to identify vulnerabilities in their systems. These audits can help identify potential weak points that cybercriminals might exploit. By fixing these vulnerabilities promptly, banks can stay one step ahead of the criminals.

5. Data Privacy Legislation

Strong data protection and privacy laws are crucial in safeguarding personal information. The Indian government should work on enacting and enforcing comprehensive data privacy legislation that not only outlines the rights of individuals but also imposes stringent penalties on organizations that fail to protect their customers’ data.

6. Encourage Responsible Online Behavior

As technology evolves, so do the tactics used by cybercriminals. Encouraging responsible online behavior among all users is a significant part of the solution. Educating individuals about phishing, social engineering, and other common cybercrime tactics is essential to preventing such incidents.


The incident involving Dayanidhi Maran serves as a stark reminder that cybercrimes are a growing threat to the security of individuals and organizations in India. To excel in the digital world and emerge as a FinTech hub, the country must take immediate action to fortify its digital defenses. Enhanced online banking security, government involvement, public awareness, regular security audits, data privacy legislation, and responsible online behavior are all essential elements of a robust cybersecurity strategy. Only through collective efforts can we protect ourselves and our nation from the ever-looming specter of cybercrime.